
Wanna.Bot is Committed to Continuous Innovation and Expansion

Our development roadmap includes:

  • Live Streaming in Discord & Web-App: This will enrich the social aspect of the platform by facilitating extra engagement with more fun and interactive betting.

  • Featured & Sponsored Platform Bets: Creating unique betting opportunities that are mutually beneficial for users and token holders.

  • e-Sports Tournaments: Hosting and streaming e-sports events will significantly attract a dedicated audience.

  • Partnerships: Collaborations with complementary platforms will boost awareness and reach.

  • Fiat On-Ramp: Facilitating easy conversion from fiat to cryptocurrency can help onboard a broader audience.

  • Crypto Futures: Introducing unique futures betting for the crypto market.

  • Mobile App Development: Creating a user-friendly mobile app to make betting more accessible.

  • NFT Betting: Revolutionise your betting experience by wagering with NFTs! In the exciting world of gaming and e-sports, betting with in-game assets will add an electrifying new dimension to the thrill of the game.

Last updated